Thursday, January 16, 2014


With this all the colors were suppose to blend together but it didn't turn out like that. The blue and black were the only colors that bleded well. My thoughts on this are just that I don't think it looks as good as it should have. I could of worked harder on it to make everything blend more. I had a lot of fun on attempting to use pastels. Although, it didn't turn out how I imagined it, I still had fun with it. The one thing that worked was the bleding of the blue and black and the actually word "beautiful". One thing that I would change for sure would be the colors I used to blend together, as you can see they didn't blend very well together. The green doesn't even look right with this. As I worked more and more on this I realized that not all art is difficult or easy and as long as you put your mind to it, you can create the craziest of things.

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