Thursday, January 16, 2014

Aladin and Jasmine

Although, this took me months to do I'm so proud. I didn't think it'd be as good as it is and to be honest once I started it I wanted to quit. But my art teacher pushed me to finish it and it looks amazing. I love it and I cant wait to post it. Everything worked, the shapes, the shading, everything. Since aladin and jasmine are human charcters it was hard to get every detail to make them look like themselves. The shading was actually pretty good, I'm begining to enjoy shading because now I see how much detail it adds. I couldn't pin point out anying in specific that was difficult because everything was hard. I really took a challenge on this one and I think I did it with flying colors. What did I learn? Hmm, well.. how to shade better and draw better. Each project gets better because I'm learning and I'm having fun with it.

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