Thursday, January 16, 2014


I haven't worked with clay since last year, but I have definetly improved. It was something I kind of threw together (not literally) but when I say that I mean something I came up with quickly. Having to smooth it all out was tough and long but it was worth it because it looks great! The one thing that didn't work was having to work with the clay and shaping it, making sure one side was as tall as the other. I'd change the shape because a simple bowl is what everyone does, I should of been more venturous. In the end, I learned how to make everything work together even with difficulties.

Aladin and Jasmine

Although, this took me months to do I'm so proud. I didn't think it'd be as good as it is and to be honest once I started it I wanted to quit. But my art teacher pushed me to finish it and it looks amazing. I love it and I cant wait to post it. Everything worked, the shapes, the shading, everything. Since aladin and jasmine are human charcters it was hard to get every detail to make them look like themselves. The shading was actually pretty good, I'm begining to enjoy shading because now I see how much detail it adds. I couldn't pin point out anying in specific that was difficult because everything was hard. I really took a challenge on this one and I think I did it with flying colors. What did I learn? Hmm, well.. how to shade better and draw better. Each project gets better because I'm learning and I'm having fun with it.


With this all the colors were suppose to blend together but it didn't turn out like that. The blue and black were the only colors that bleded well. My thoughts on this are just that I don't think it looks as good as it should have. I could of worked harder on it to make everything blend more. I had a lot of fun on attempting to use pastels. Although, it didn't turn out how I imagined it, I still had fun with it. The one thing that worked was the bleding of the blue and black and the actually word "beautiful". One thing that I would change for sure would be the colors I used to blend together, as you can see they didn't blend very well together. The green doesn't even look right with this. As I worked more and more on this I realized that not all art is difficult or easy and as long as you put your mind to it, you can create the craziest of things.

Love Forever

This was just a fun little project to do, I liked the two colors so I tried to corporate them into something. I thought that the hand itself came out well but the infinity sign with the heart wasn't needed. As far as feeling successful on this project I feel half way there, it could use a little more work but for not ever drawing a hand, it turned out pretty good. If I were to redo this project I would just remove the infinity sign along with the heart and put a little more detailing on the hand. The part that I had the most trouble on was getting the hand to look proportional. Sometimes the thumb was too fat our the wrist was just looking funny. Overall, I learned to draw a real life thing instead of drawing cartoons or cartoonish work.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rope Project

In all honesty I didn't want to draw this, just didn't grab my attention. But, after taking the time to actually look at the rope and draw it I had a little fun with it. Now, I may not be the best shadier but I'd say I did a pretty good job. Since I did something that I didn't feel too confident about and did pretty good, I'd say it was a success. The hardest part was drawing the part of the rope where it turns, at first it looked fake and didn't "flow". During this project I learned to shade better, in the right places, and to make everything run smoothly together.