Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fashion Design

    Ever since I was 13 I've always found in intrest in creating my own cloths. Its the neatest little thing, on how there made. What made me want to choose this career is just looking at the way people dress, all the diffrent patterns and themes. In my eyes fashion is who and what you are, it represnts your personality without saying one word. You can mix and match diffrent things and end up with a great look. Just the thought of making my own line of clothing and making others loving it makes me feel great.
   Depending on what sort of fashion designing you go into the ratio is going to be diffrent. The average for a year is about $2,400. For places like new york city, there about to hit the $100 million mak. But for little companys its way less, right around $2,000.
   Being a fashion designer does sound like fun but theres a lot more to it then just fun. You have to work long nights to get "the look" that you are imagening. Including all the money put into it, you need more then just cloth and thread. More like the machinary to "make beauty", all the supplies, all sorts of things. In the end you have to wait and see what the people think, if they like it you just suceeded in something you love and if you don't then go back to the working area and retry. To get ready for fashion designing a person would have to go for 4 years of college and then 4 years of grad school. I would wanna work with someone/company that is big and popular, so that my creations will "get out there".
  After knowing what I researched, I'm still taking it under concideration. Although, its gonna take awhile, I'm willing to take the time and do what I love.

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