Friday, May 31, 2013


*Picture not added
This tile project is not done. The drawing part is done but all that's left to do is paint it and I just got started on that. So far it looks great and realistic! I drew mator off of cars which was pretty difficult because I had to draw it on a larger scale. I'm pretty impressed with how much alike it is to the actual mator. Whats working right now is the shading part of painting that I've started. I'm learning to draw things more realistic.

Water Color

For not really being good at water colors I'd say this is pretty good! The fact that the shading part turned out good makes me feel very successful. From drawing this out to painting it everything worked and I don't think there was anything that went work. I wouldn't change anything because this is like one in a life time drawing and theirs no way it'd look this good again. The shading part was the worst and so was painting it. I learned to do water colors way better.


I had a lot of fun doing this project, it really interested me. My overall opinion is that this turned out better then expected and its sort of unique. This projected made me feel successful because I didn't think I could do it and I did! Everything about this project worked and I don't see anything that didn't. The only thing I would change is the random lines that aren't apart of the eye and eyelashes. Having to cut out the picture before being able to stamp was the probably the hardest thing I have done all year. In the end I learned how to make prints!

Boarder Control

Overall, this project sucked because it took me a good month to finish and really I didn't even finish. Even though I didn't finish I feel like this turned out great and I feel very successful. Everything came together in the end. What worked about this was the coloring and what didn't work was nothing really it seams to me that it all looks good together. The design would be something I'd change, I could of used different designs. Just the process of drawing this was the difficult part, having the patience to do it.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Candy Drawing

This drawing involved a lot of shading and making the candy look more real. Overall I think the shading part of this project turned out good and the candy its self. I feel like it could look better and more time could be spent on it. But the time that was spent on this was good, which makes me feel like I did good. The one thing I would change about this is the way I positioned the candy makes it as if its not real and theres no "flow". I'd redo this project and make it take up more white area and make it pop more. Just making the figure of the drawing was difficult, ecspecially the jelly beans because it could of turned out looking like just a rock! I learned how to shade even better!

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Dot Drawing

I thought that this turned out better then I thought it was going to. Now that I think of it I feel like I took my time on this and it turned out to be a succesful project. The flower was drawn out just like I imagined and the color was what I wanted. I would change the color of the dots, I feel like the colors didn't match up with the color of the flower. The most difficult part of this project would be having the patience to paint all the dots. In the end, I learned to make something pop with out making 3 dimensional.