Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art 2

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The way everything changes just gets me dizzy because it changes every other time but I think that I did good. I feel like I met all the asspectations also it was an easy project. Everything went well and everything worked except the markers kept running out :/. If I had the chance to redo this project I would change the color choices. The only thing I found difficult was how much we had to color. I learned how to make things allusional.

Op Art 1

My thoughts are wow because theres so much chaos going on in this, diffrent designs and things like that. This was a easy successful project, its like doodling but art. I felt this way because it was something simlpe and something I do all the time. Everything goes together, only because its meant to be a mess. If i was to redo this I would just add more designs in. I learned how to make an allusion.

Magazine Reflection

For this project I took my time and tryed my hardest. This to me is very good and it looks like I took my time. In my opinion I think this was very successful because all the pieces are in there and the fact that I took my time on it. I wouldn't say theres anything that didnt work to me everything worked out great. There would never be a thought in my mind to redo this project. But it was ever so difficult because of all the details and trying to get it just right. I learned how to look at something and draw it at the same time.

Water Color

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I think that I could have done this way better if I would of just took my time instead of rush a little through it. Also, I could of done something more challenging. This was 1 of my worst projects but its not as bad as some of the others because of how I made the colors blend together. The reason I say this is one of my worst projects is because I should of done something more challenging. The colors all worked with eachother, except somethings were smired. If I was to do this all over again i'd start fresh from the start. The most difficult part was trying to think of something to paint but at least I learned how to use water colors.

Pop Art Sculpture

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We went through many ideas to finally get the one thing that we wanted to do. I thouht this was a interesting project but tuff. The results were great with minior gliches. But in the end we succeeded in what we wanted. Everything came together, the size, shape and color except when we tryed painting the middle white we had to color over the black which changed the white into a pale green. Trying to make the shape of the lipstick container was the hardest but we got through it. All in all, I learned that its hard to try and make things bigger then what they are.

Character Skeleton

For me this project was my 2nd best one. I'm better at drawing aniamals and things like this easier then a person or anything else. I though I did really good on this project, it turned out great. This was a very successful project ecspecially for me. Everything worked on this, the way certain things were drawn and drawing the skelton was a challenge. But the only thing that didnt work for me was the color of his face and I would of made the skeleton more shaded. Basically, I would only change the facial color. I learned how to draw better facial and body expressions.