Monday, April 9, 2012

Text Collage

Well, as you can see I didnt really try my best to make this look like a sun. So, therefor in my eyes this looks terrrible. I dont feel successful at all, just because the text around the sun dosen't help to much at making the sun pop out. The only thing that worked was that I actually got the sun down, its bright and has the shape of the sun. If I had the chace, I'd redo this whole project. Trying to get all the words and trying to find yellow word was difficult. Out of this I learned how to make a picture out of text.

Cell Animation

This is my best project ever! I didnt think I could draw so good but now I know I can draw people. While, deciding how to draw this and begining to draw I knew it'd turn out good. Now that I'm done with it I feel very seccussfull. The person turned out great but I didng exactly plan out the background so that part didnt turn out great. But, the person is great and worked. One thing I would deffinetly would change is the background, it dosent exactly go with the person but it works well enough. I hate painting, plus I'm not very good at it so that was a challenge for me. Overall, I learned how to make a person have diffrent reactions and then found out how to make the hair and cloths all go with the facial expression.